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5 Chamomile tea benefits (ways to use it)

Chamomile tea, is one of the most famous and common teas in the market, this is because of

the many properties and benefits it offers, because it`s accessible price and because of its easy acquisition.

Image obtained from "Canva"

Here we`ll talk about 5 ways it can be used, and the benefits it can bring you:

1. Gets rid of insomnia: Chamomile tea has been known throughout the years as a relaxer, this is because it has no caffeine and because it contains apigenin, a natural antioxidant that relaxes your brain.

If you suffer of insomnia you should try drinking a chamomile tea cup 30 or 15 minutes before you sleep, you will surely note the difference.

2. Combats acne: Another known fact is that Chamomile tea can help you to maintain a healthy skin, because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

After you drink it, apply and move the tea bag throughout your face, it will soothe skin. If the bag breaks, it can be used as an exfoliant.

3. Anxiety reducer: For the same reason it works as a sleep-inducing mechanism, it is well known to be an anxiety reducer, this is because of the presence of apigenin mostly.

If you suffer anxiety, a cup a day may help you relax and have a better day.

4. Stomach ache diminisher: Chamomile tea has been named by doctors a digestive relaxant, reducing stomach ache, indigestion and even diarrhea. Effect of the same anti-inflammatory properties mentioned before. The taste could be not that good, but the effects surely are.

5. Eye circles reducer: The anti-inflammatory properties of this tea, makes it possible for it to also reduce black circles around eyes.

You can prove it by placing tea bags under your eyes, for 15 minutes every day

This are only 5 of the many benefits this wonderful tea offers.

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