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How to satisfy your food cravings without breaking your diet

It is almost a fact that everyone who has tried out a nutritional plan has felt the temptation to break it, or on occasions even have eaten things that they shouldn’t. These cravings are usually a sign that the body is lacking certain nutrients which can be found in healthy foods.

Today I will tell you which junk food cravings can be satisfied without breaking your diet.

If you crave chocolate your body is lacking magnesium: you can find this in legumes, fruits and raw nuts and seeds.

If you are in the mood for some sweets your body is asking you for either chromium, carbon, phosphorus, sulfur or tryptophan: be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits including grapes and cranberries; vegetables like kale, cabbage and spinach; dairy, especially cheese and high-protein sources such as chicken, beef, fish and eggs.

When you feel the need to eat some bread what your body is missing is nitrogen, which can be easily found in nuts and meat.

Fatty foods and greasy snacks cravings are a sign that you need more calcium; mustard, broccoli, cheese and legumes are ideal for restocking on this important nutrient. This is also the case for soda and carbonated beverages.

If your body asks for some coffee and/or tea you surely need more phosphorous, sulfur, iron and salt in your system. These can all be found in protein meals, in dairy, in nuts and legumes and also in garlic and green vegetables.

Knowing these easy food exchanges can be really helpful when feeding your body what it needs and sticking to your diet to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Hope this article helps you the next time you feel like eating junk food! Feel free to check out the following link for more information:

– LC♛


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