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How to get the best tan

Summer has basically become a synonym of tan. Whenever you hear the word Summer you automatically think about the sun, therefore tans. But sometimes it's hard to get a beautiful and even tan; we sometimes end up as red as a tomato! Here are a few tips to achieve a beautiful tan.

1. Set aside time

Tanning takes time and it doesn't make a difference if you're only in the sun for 30 minutes a week. Set aside at least 30 minutes to tan every day. If you can add a little more time then do so, since more time means more sun. I personally tan for an hour and fifteen minutes from Monday through Friday.

2. Wear sunscreen the first day

We sometimes get carried away wanting to look like a greek goddess since day one, but tanning doesn't happen that way. The first day is crucial, since the sun absorbed on your skin that day will be the base of your tan. Most of times our skin gets burnt when we first go out in the sun with only tanning oil on. Your skin isn't used to that much sun rays so it turns red, and then you're stuck with an uneven tan at the end. So to avoid this, I recommend wearing only sunscreen that ranges from 35-80 SPF on the first day. you might not see the difference after the first day but trust me, it's worth it. Here are a few of my favorite sunscreens:

2. Apply tanning oil

Tanning oil makes the melanin process on your skin speed up. It still protects you, but it allows color. It's kind of like a helper to sunscreen; it will keep you protected from the sun rays but it accelerates the tanning process. I personally don't apply sunscreen under it because I have never got burnt using oil. Although, you may apply sunscreen under it if you don't totally trust the oil. Here are my favorite oils:

3. Have after sun care for your skin

To help your tan last a long time, you need to moisturize it and take care of it after the sun. You can use your go-to moisturizer or these products that were made for this step. Take a look:

These are all my must know tips for tanning. Hope you achieve the best tan!



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