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Top 10 Billie Eilish Songs

Hey guys, welcome to another blog :) so, lately I've been obsessed with Billie's songs and I've listened to them on repeat for days (not kidding). For today's blog I thought I'd rank my favorite songs of hers; to be honest, it's a hard thing to do because all her songs are amazing, but for blog purposes, I tried to do so.

10. party favor

This is quite an underrated song; her vocals and the music are great, just as the lyrics. If you like the ukelele, this song is perfect for you! Also, the plot the song tells is just genius.

source: teen vogue

9. Bored

If you watched 13 reasons why season 2 then you prolly recognize this song. Unlike some of Billie's songs, this is a very calm song and doesn't have that many instrumental breaks in it (unlike bellyache).

source: pinterest

8. watch

I don't even have words for this song (it's that good). Just go listen and thank me later sis.

source: pinterest

7. my boy

This song honestly gives me some tea vibes; it's a very well structured song and has rather dark-ish lyrics. One line that I adore is “my boy's an ugly crier, but he's such a pretty liar and by that I mean he said he'd change”. If you thought this was a romantic song, it's not. It's iconic though.


Like the last song, COPYCAT gives me some shady vibes. This song talks about how someone tries to be like you and do everything the way you do it, and how annoying it is. There are plenty of rumors referring to who Billie got inspired from to write such lyrics, but who knows if it's true.

source: pinterest

5. b**ches broken hearts

Not a romantic song either. This is the kind of song you sing atop of your lungs even if you've never been heartbroken or gone through a break-up. Disclaimer is, if it didn't ring a bell by the title, this song is explicit.

source: pinterest

4. bellyache

If you've seen the film V for Vendetta or read the novel, there's plenty of references of it in the song. The vocals and the music will make you want to sing along. By the way, she totally slays in her video for this song.

source: pinterest

3. lovely (with Khalid)

This is one of my favorite collabs ever. Two really great voices harmonizing together and giving their listeners chills as the song's playing. The lyrics are quite relatable as well.

source: pinterest

2. hostage

Billie recently uploaded a video for this song, it's unreal how perfect it is. I don't wanna spoil the music video, so go watch it if you haven't and tell us what you think. About the song, Billie's vocals are angelical and pure... just listen to it. Amazing.

source: @wherearetheavocados (instagram)

1. you should see me in a crown

This song is a pretty recent song, Billie released it a couple of days ago. It's had a big impact and lots of people are reacting to it, positively. Like bellyache, she's making references in this song with the line “you should see me in a crown”. Apparently, the music video is coming out soon so definitely stay up to date so you watch it as soon as it's released. This is one of my favorite songs of Billie, it's not what you expect, in a good way. Some people have called this song a “dramatic track”, do you agree?

That's it for the list, BUT I reaallyyyy recommend you guys to take a listen to Six Feet Under and Ocean Eyes if you haven't already. Honestly, check all her songs out... you won't regret it :)

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed today's blog!! Let us know what you would have chosen as Billie's top 10 songs. I love you all <3

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